Bayc Tribute Edition

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 30, 2022 – February 03, 2022





"Bored ape yacht club"
-tribute edition-

"Tribute apes"

"Same ancestors
[og bayc dna]
Different dynasty"
Distant nephews and cousins

Respectfully paying a tribute[homage]
To og bayc
From the community,
For the community

Bayc tribute.Edition is a collection of 10,008 tribute bored ape nfts—unique digital collectibles living on the polygon blockchain.
They all have unique properties.

Carefully selected and modified properties/assets/traits.
No duplicates with og bayc

Each tribute ape is unique and programmatically generated from over 180 possible traits:

Backgrounds,eyes,mouth,body/fur color,hair,hats,clothes,and more.

All of them have rare properties, but some have rarer properties than others.

Bayc tribute apes

Are living on the polygon chain,

Hosted on ipfs,

The contract is erc-721.

Contract address:



January 3rd 2022

Bayc tribute.Edition crash land on polygon blockchain and begin their journey in the metaverse :)

Jan-13th 2022:first 3000 tribute apes dropped .

Phase 1-wallets

After minting, the first point of action will be to establish the r&d and fund wallets. This will form foundations of our community activities.

Phase 2-dao

Establish a dao. This will enable community to participate and engage on important decisions about the projects direction.

Phase 3-mechanisnms

Establishing governance for the wallets. Initial funding for both wallets will be generated from royalties on secondary market as well as initially from minting.

Phase 4-marketing

We will need to let the world know we exist and what we want to do. We will use host of methods and techniques to increase the reach and traction of the project.

Phase 5-standards

Establishing the worlds first nft standard institute. This will be the primary utility for baycte project, and will be in the for of certification. This standard and certification will give all potential investors in new nft projects confidence that a reputable community has thoroughly vetted and approved a project.

Phase 6-research

To support us, we will establish a research division to be at the forefront of innovation. One approach would be to fund our community members with their upcoming nft projects.

Upcoming utility

Bayc tribute edition is an artist incubator platform utilizing nfts, metaverse, and play-to-earn gaming partnerships.
Buying a bayc tribute ape and joining the community 
Not only gains you early insight 
And access to other awesome projects, 
But with the added utility of the

Upcoming tribute ape party, 
You can build your investment portfolio 
While for your tribute apes, it is highly possible that they will increase in value alongside other nft high profile projects like ogs(bayc,cryptopunks)  , as well as bitcoin itself! 


[ community funding, community gifts, community projects, giveaways, prizes,social activities, metaverse, merchandise, & many more ]

Fair play only
Price for items 1-10 = 0.055 weth
(symbolic funding price for the first 10 tribute apes)
Buying a tribute ape costs 0.0026 weth.
(starting price for first batch of 3000)
There are no hidden reservations.
Very low gas fees on polygon network.
Same price for everyone.




Rarity info:



Hashlips_art_engine = node.Js nft generator 

Codestackr = tutorial for using nftport

Nftport.Xyz = deploying erc-721 contract, uploading files+metadata+mint to opensea.Io

The collection is made from scratch using:

Adobe illustrator = sketch,drawing,design,etc

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also