Chris: Hi there! Please introduce yourself.
My name is Doctor Invisible, founder of IVAC Labs (Invisible Apes Club Labs). I have spent years developing highly complex potions including our famous invisibility potion.
The night before the testing phase on animals should have begun for our new invisibility potions, our test specimens (apes) managed to escape their cages and raided the labs, drinking all of the invisibility potions in the process.
Luckily the potion didn't fully work and the apes' fur can still be seen. Now we need the help of the community to retrieve the apes and make sure another escape is impossible.
Chris: Invisible Apes, the name raises immediate curiosity. What inspired you to develop these unique NFTs?
Doctor Invisible: The power of invisibility has fascinated me since my childhood. "If you could have any superpower what would it be?" - my answer has always been invisibility. If I could take an invisibility potion right now I would!
Of course this project is also inspired by other prominent projects in the space such as Invisible Friends and combines that idea with the animal investors love the most; apes.
This was the birth of the project - Invisible Apes.
Chris: So, these are artwork NFTs. What more can an investor do with these tokens?
Doctor Invisible: Once an investor catches (mints) one of our apes they will be able to test future potions developed by IVAC Labs on them. This essentially means your original Invisible Ape is your ticket to future mints and experiments.
We are testing potions that mess with the age of your ape or mutate it completely. A mythical potion has shown some incredible results in our testing phase as well.
Chris: Furthermore, how many such Invisible Apes are being released in the NFT space?
Doctor Invisible: 5555 Invisible Apes are on the loose that we are hoping to retrieve!
Chris: You also state that the future holds generations of mutants and babies. What is your timeline for the release of those?
Doctor Invisible: The labs have been developing the potions for quite some time but had to put everything on hold after the apes escaped. We will continue with our potion development as soon as the Invisible Apes are retrieved.
The community will be able to vote on what potion will be tested on the apes next and they can expect to test them several weeks after our initial launch.
Chris: What is the minting date for Invisible Apes NFTs? What will be the minting cost of each NFT?
Doctor Invisible: We are keeping the mint date secret so the apes don't know when we are coming for them. A secret group of "Insiders" will be the only group of people informed ahead of time of the release and will be the first to mint.
You have to be part of our Discord community to become an insider.
We can give this much away though; the mint will be happening between the 24 and 31 of January.
Each ape will cost 0.03ETH + Gas to mint.
Chris: What are the different features of the Invisible Apes NFT? What are the rare features?
Doctor Invisible: The apes are wearing several costumes to try and hide. The smartest apes have tried hiding in outer space and are wearing space suits and futuristic gadgets. Others have joined Punk Biker gangs and are wearing leather jackets and stylish glasses. Some even took some lab coats and goggles from the lab. I suggest checking out our "Wanted" posters to see some photos of the apes!

Chris: Additionally, do you have a rarity chart for the benefit of the investors?
Doctor Invisible: Of course! A rarity chart will be released once the apes have been revealed so investors can check the rarity of their apes.
Chris: In conclusion, you also state that there is an Invisible Club. What are the benefits of membership in this club? How does one get entry into this club?
Doctor Invisible: Every investor holding an Invisible Ape will be part of the official Invisible Apes Club. This means you get to work alongside the IVAC Labs closely and be part of the development of future potions and tests on the apes. We will also be doing exclusive giveaways and community interactions. Of course every interested investor can come and join our community on Discord or Twitter and interact with myself and other ape enthusiasts.