Tokyo Pop Girls Collection

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December 03, 2021 – December 10, 2021
Introduction of the Collectibles

Tokyo Pop Girls Collection (TPGC) is a collection of 3,000 one-of-a-kind NFTs produced in collaboration with tofuNFT by Japanese illustrator Onigiriman. This NFT features young girls living in modern Tokyo and is designed in a pop and current style. 

On Ethereum, Onigiriman's illustrations are already quite pricey. Still, our goal with Tokyo Pop Girls Collection is to deliver NFTs from Japan to the rest of the world at a reasonable price so that everyone can mint them. The illustrations themselves have Japanese accents in the details while still maintaining their high quality.

Only 3,000 NFTs will be produced in TPGC, out of about 2.6 million possible combinations. On the Mint screen, the images that will be minted as NFTs will be presented, and you can select the illustration you wish. You can pick the illustration you like, but if you don't buy it after it's been shown, it won't be shown again. When you Mint, it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it's up to you to decide which girl will become 3,000 NFTs of collectibles.

Introduction of the Artist

Onigiriman is a Tokyo-based illustrator. He is noted for his contemporary pop manner of painting girls. Since 2018, he has created tons of avatars for influencers and has been recognized as one of Japan's most influential illustrators in the crypto business. His entire amount of illustrations sold on Opensea has already topped 194ETH ($830,000).

Introduction of tofuNFT Market is a rebranded version of SCV's NFT market that focuses on GameFi and collectibles. It was BSC's No. 1 NFT Marketplace by trading volume in September 2021, according to statistics from CoinView, another well-known product from the team, has been downloaded over 1 million times in Japan.


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