The ОxGeekbots Social Experiment

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 15, 2022 – January 22, 2022





9,000 art-loving bots who left Planet Manus Adamas for one cause: supporting talented Earthlings by onboarding them on the NFT and Web 3.0 spaceship.

After our launch, we'll be spending 1 ETH per week for a year to kickstart the careers of new artists. Holders will vote on whom to support through a DAO.

1. 25% of mint and 50% of secondary sales revenue will go to a community wallet.
2. At 10% sales, we will begin our community-led effort to purchase NFTs.
3. Creation of a DAO where holders will have voting power.
4. Raffling of NFTs purchased to holders.
5. Creation of Clubs for discord competitions...
6. Monthly airdrops of 1-2 NFTs to holders with delisted NFTs

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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