Pixel Squad

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
November 26, 2021 – December 16, 2021





Our collection consists of 10500 (9999 main collection and 501 limited) unique and awesome items. Any could find themselves in these different and wonderful squad. All we have various nature, sense of humor, taste in clothes and so on but all we live together in our big crazy world. PixelSquad reflects everybody. QR-code-like ID gives additional originality. You could check all properties that have every non-fungible token and present owner. We hope you enjoy that collection.

If you own any NFT token from our PixelSquad collection you have the possibility to place any information on the web page of your NFT. When somebody scans the QR code of your NFT and goes to the website he could check any information that you provide except prohibited. It would be some congratulations words, declaration of love, or confidential temp information (we could set password your NFT link as you wish) and etc.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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