Pandeados Infinity

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
November 25, 2022 – December 02, 2022







Pandeados infinity is back and with many new features in the future. Besides being increasingly known and with interest from the public. This project started for free and intends to remain so as a way to show that it is not necessary to spend so much money to create something big, that's why we started creating several nft for free and we have started to promote in paginss and crypto communities for free to show how we can grow a lot. Visit our discord to be informed about our project and to be able to talk with the community.


Pandeados infinity is back

Opensea   polygon   ethereum 

After a long, very long, winterization, pandeados infinity is back and this time it comes loaded for a final 2022 season.

119 pandeados that were born in polygon a little old pandas that vary their rarity and exclusivity as well as the unique designs that these pandas have. Unique nfts made with effort, each with a design that represents an aspect of life and its nuances

Project for the benefit of investors

Each level will have different prices to guarantee the benefit of the investor

Min prices:

Common: 0.010 eth

Rare: 0.015 eth

Epic: 0.02 eth

Legendary: 0.04 eth

Deluxe: 0.06 eth

Infinity: 0.08 eth 

Infinity deluxe: 0.10 eth

Mythic pandeados: 0.14 eth

No gas website: https://pandeado-infinity-club.Jimdosite.Com/

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