mrVroom NFT Digital F1 Collectibles

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March 18, 2022 – March 25, 2022





2022 Freshman Mint.

We call this the Freshman mint because it’s the first of many. Each year, mrVroom will mint in 4 stages:

Start of the new season 6000 NFT mint: minting works like a physical box break. Everyone pays the same amount, and the NFT is dulled out at random. Some will get base variations, some will get rare gems. That’s the fun of it. Don’t be deterred by base cards though, driver quality also plays a big role in value, so a base Lewis could, and probably will, be worth more than a special Mazepin.

Race Winner NFT’s: similar to Topps Now, which sells a limited run of cards celebrating drivers of the day and race winners, mrVroom will mint a very limited number of NFTs for the winner of each race. In 2022, we’re hoping to ramp this up by race 4 or 5 - and limit the minting to members who hold a mrVroom NFT.

World Championship mint: similar to #2, but this mint is to celebrate the winner of the drivers world championship. Will it be Lewis? Max again? Or someone new? Also limited mint for members who hold a mrVroom NFT.

The Paddock mint: The paddock is our term for members that currently hold a mrVroom NFT. During the 2022 season, we’ll open up the Paddock where each member has the opportunity to collaboratively doodle on a race suit. At the end of the season, we’ll airdrop these NFT’s to our current members, and start winter testing for 2023.

Our core member benefits are access to stages 2, 3, 4. We’re not going to buy an F1 team and put our logo on it. We’re not going to send everyone to space to watch the Monaco grand prix. We’re not going to promise a bunch of perks we can’t deliver on. What we can promise is this - mrVroom is the first NFT to go head to head with Topps in a collecting index that has a high market cap relative to other ultra-modern cards, and in a very compelling sport.

We see a mrVroom NFT as an alternative asset based on a sport with 100’s of millions of fans worldwide, topped off with an amazing community of fans and nonfans alike. We’re here to bridge the gap between a century-long collectible hobby and this exciting wave of NFTs and the people that love them.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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