Mad Pickle Society

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November 14, 2021 – November 15, 2021



A few pickles gathered after a long day of brining, and after a few pickles, they decided to create a community where all the pickles of the world are invited to join.

Everyone is a pickle in its own unique way, that’s why the society celebrates unity in our diversity. The first effort of the society is to seek 10,000 founding members 

We love absurdity, it is what makes life interesting. And we're all absurd deep down but the society we live in brings us down, it makes us bland and boring.

We're creating a new society, we're creating a society that celebrates absurdity and idiosyncrasy, we're creating a society of pickles! 

*Dawn your pickle avatar to join the mad pickle society and reveal who you really are*

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also