Huggsy the Doge

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
December 17, 2021 – December 24, 2021





 The Project

Inspired by the Doge mantra (Do Only Good Everyday), we decided to create a collection that would be able not only to bring profits to NFT investors, but also to send 10% of our profits to animal causes. The project really started to take shape when we decided to spread these profits and let the community decide which shelters we should donate to, animals to sponsor, etc.

Each NFT will come with an invitation to join a private channel on our Discord. In this channel you will be able to recommend the project you would like us to donate and, when the time comes, you will be able to vote your favorite option.


The dream with this collection would be to generate a continuous channel of donations to keep afloat international animal shelters. We all know the potential NFTs have, so if we managed to get this project to a good level (not even talking about Apes or Punks level, just a good one), we would be able to do SO MUCH GOOD with this I would cry my heart out.


Every 1.000 sales, we will donate 10% of the proceeds to animal shelters or animal related charities (we will show proof of transaction).

Since the collection was made in honor of Huggsy, the first donation will be done to the shelter we rescued her from:

Before the pandemic they were almost forced to close down (leaving 500 animals with no home and no shelter) because of foreclosure and veterinary bills. The situation now is better, but they are not out of the woods yet at all.

After this donation, with the next 1.000 sales, NFT owners will be able to submit and vote for other charities. To make this possible, we created -owners-charity an invitation only channel (invitation in the unlockable content of the NFT). With the international profile NFTs have, the community will be able to spread the love worldwide.

When all listed items have been sold, first you will find me in the ICU suffering from a heart attack. But regarding the donations, once all 6.942 items have been sold, the donations will continue with the a 10% of the royalty fees.

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