Homeward is a story following a group of elite warriors stranded in a faraway land. This tribe of warriors calls themselves ‘The Keepers’ as they are — quite literally — the keepers of their beloved city, Sanctum. This city is the last beacon of humanity as the surrounding lands have been infected with a mysterious corruption called ‘Nether’.
Our story begins after a devastating attack on the city of Sanctum. The Keepers are overpowered by an exiled member of their tribe who struck a deal with a demon-king for unimaginable powers. He sought to crush their spirits by making them watch as he destroyed their beloved city. After destroying the city and enslaving its citizens, he used the powers gifted to him by the demon-king to scatter our heroes across many distant lands.
Thus begins their journey homeward.
The Homeward Founders Pre-sale is live on Opensea!
Learn more here: https://medium.com/@HomewardNFT/founders-creator-pass-presale-bonuses-d43a25fbfc8a