Filthy Pins

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 14, 2022 – January 21, 2022



Filthy Pins is a digital pin board for whatever you like. Advertise your work, create whitelist NFTs or post original work to be minted as pins.

This works like a regular pin board... you pay to post something and you can post it wherever you like. Posts show with the newest on top. You can repost for a 75% discount (brings that back to the top of the board and retains original pins). Making a post will get you a snapshot NFT of the entire board at that point.

All posts are pin-able by other users. You can set a pin limit and a pin price. The user pays the pin price plus the gas to mint an NFT that represents a snapshot of that post. A bit like taking a polaroid of the post. Posters can use those pin NFTs to implement a whilelist in another contract if desrired. If pins have a fee it's paid to the poster automatically when pins are created (10% is retained by the Filthy Pins smart contract).

The Filthy Pins NFT collection (posts and pins) is viewable on OpenSea.

Posts can have an optional piece of text, a link to an external site and a background image. Background images are all processed in a similar style by the website and presented in a preview window when posting. If it doesn't show in the preview it won't show on the website or NFT images. The website reserves the right to substitute content that it cannot legally display (on the website or in NFT images). Images won't normally be updated over time even if the image at the url provided changes. All images are processed in a similar style.

The price to post is based on the number of tiles covered. The base price is currently 0.015625 ETH per tile and increases by the same amount for every 1024 tiles already on the board (capped at 8096 tiles). Gas price will increase with the amout of text you post to the contract.

There's more information about reposting, pricing and obtaining whitelist information from the contract in the verified code on Etherscan - Use at your own risk.

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