/ Creators / Odious


Odious is a 22-year old artist born and based in the United Kingdom. He started his career as a freelance designer, but after 3 years, he shifted to art. He focuses on experience and emotion, which helps him connect with others. He was inspired by other artists such as Etienne Crauss, Jonathan Wolfe, and Fewocious. However, he has remained anonymous to allow his audience and his artwork on another level. This allows his audience to submerge themselves into his artworks by filling in the gaps in their lives.

Today, Odious is a popular name in the NFT marketplace after the official release of the $MEME collection. His other drops include:

  • Childhood Emotions
  • It won't be like this forever
  • Astral Projection
  • Not an equal trade
  • Heartache
  • This is my happy face
  • It won't be like this forever
  • They say photographs last longer, they were wrong
  • School taught me a lot
  • Why do I have to hide, they don't

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Odious's past NFT Drops

See Also