Chris from NFT Calendar: The Open Metaverse – there is a lot to unpack here. Give us more details about the concept of this project and your overall vision.
AlwaysGood.Ai: My starting point is the realization that “The Metaverse” is already here. Not in the sense of a full-blown photorealistic, 3D, persistent virtual world, but certainly the seeds of a shared digital space built on shared open source protocols, open infrastructure and with its own economy. As I say on our website:
“The Open Metaverse itself already exists. The main rail is the Ethereum blockchain. NFTs are the building blocks and the property rights layer. The communication system is Twitter. Crypto and DeFi are the financial system. DAOs are the beginnings of decentralised governance. It is open decentralised, interoperable and persistent. Onto this framework the community of developers and users are building ever more advanced features and the worlds of gaming and VR are converging onto it.”
A key influence on this project was The Loot Project - text NFTs of Loot for an RPG game generated on chain and left up to the community to develop. When I saw it my very first thought was “this is genius, but why limit it to a game?” Not everyone wants to wander around the metaverse with a sword and a cloak of invisibility! I thought, since the contract was
open source, one could build on the method, but change the seed words to resources that would be open to anyone to build whatever world they wanted. Thus The Open Metaverse was born.
Actually originally I named the project “Meta”. But then Facebook made their announcement so I felt I had to change it. I am opposed to Facebook / Google / Microsoft dominating the metaverse and using it to continue their extractive practices - that could be a real dystopia. So I named it in opposition to Meta, The Open Metaverse. I was surprised and delighted that I was able to register the ENS name TheOpenMetaverse.eth and the DNS name - so that sealed it. It just shows how early we are.
Chris from NFT Calendar: We get the vibe that you want to promote creative freedom in all aspects. In fact, did we read correctly that your NFTs are free to mint?
AlwaysGood.Ai: Yes. They are free to mint, you just have to pay the gas. They are on the Ethereum blockchain. The idea is to give the community of users a framework within which to build the Open Metaverse from the ground up. Each NFT comes with a full CCO licence so people can build anything they want and use them for any purpose.
Chris from NFT Calendar: Ok, so there are 10,000 alphanumeric NFTs in total – how many are being launched on January 1, 2022? We think we know the answer, but we still have to ask, will there be a whitelist?
AlwaysGood.Ai: 9,500 are available to the public on January 1, 2022. 500 are reserved for the devs, as giveaways, for donations and other promotional purposes. There is no whitelist, it’s strictly first come, first served as far as minting goes.
Chris from NFT Calendar: Are there any traits or levels that categorise the NFTs or are they all under the same group?
AlwaysGood.Ai: The NFTs have eight sets of traits each: World, Environment, Element, Building, Transport, Avatar, Resource, Skill. The properties section of the metadata on the OpenSea marketplace shows the rarities of each trait as a percentage.
Chris from NFT Calendar: Again, the launch is in two days, but we are also interested in your roadmap. What are some of the milestones that you are aiming to reach, and is there a timeline?
AlwaysGood.Ai: After the launch it’s important for everyone that we keep spreading the word until we mint out and the secondary market becomes established. In parallel with that we are going to develop our discord server to help the community get organised and enable people who want to build stuff to work together. We are planning 2 or 3 graphical NFT drops in the first half of 2022. Working with other projects on making different metaverses interoperable. Eventually we would like to form a DAO so that the community can take over governance of the project.
Chris from NFT Calendar: Please share more about the additional graphic NFT’s mapping worlds, environments, and buildings, what new perks will they present?
AlwaysGood.Ai: Each original Resource NFT has eight traits, or sets of resources. One of these for instance is “building”. The graphic NFTs that we release in the future of buildings will have different types of buildings: houses, apartments, huts, factories etc. So you will get a building which matches the type of building you have on your original Resource NFT. In this way all of the holders will gradually acquire the elements to build their part of a complete virtual world.
Chris from NFT Calendar: We are curious to know who is on your team and their respective roles.
AlwaysGood.Ai: I am the main creator. I work with one main solidity dev, who has a team of two others helping him. I’m not telling anybody who they are so they can’t steal them! Currently we are looking for someone to head up marketing and a couple of discord mods.
Chris from NFT Calendar: Finally, how can we keep updated with the latest Open Metaverse news? Where is the best place to follow you?
AlwaysGood.Ai: I think our discord is the best, that’s where the community is. Also Twitter is good for the wider context of people in the crypto / nft /web3 / metaverse space all together.