VQ2: Battle For New Venice

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
April 18, 2022 – April 25, 2022



VQ2 is essentially an interactive board game played through social media and NFTs. The game revolves around 8 criminal factions attempting to take control of the city of New Venice.

Players mint NFTs that align them with one of the eight factions, and then work together with their teammates to try and eliminate the other factions. The final faction left standing share in huge victory prizes.

All characters within VQ2 are hand drawn 1/1 art, with narrative and lore backstories and exist within the expanding universe of VQ, with characters from the first VQ game returning for VQ2, as well as some players from the first VQ game returning as characters.

Which players from VQ2 will become characters in the VQ universe for VQ3? Nobody knows yet but you! Come write the end of the story of VQ2 and guide the narrative of the VQ universe.

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