toxic habits

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December 11, 2021 – December 18, 2021



Desire, Addiction & Destruction. 

Indulging in our worldly pleasures is to taste the sweet fruits of what keeps us sane.

This NFT collection is a tribute to the impulsive yearning we have for toxic habits in our lives. We know what is virtuous, yet time and time again we choose pleasure over morals.

Designed by anonymous artist dj.c - a minimalistic style showcases the beauty that lies within the wicked. 

Personifying the snake to the world, dj.c finds that his anonymity allows for the world to see a reflection of themselves through this collection. 

dj.c X toxic habits is an exclusive collection of 50 pieces. Make sure you get in early when this collection drops on the 11th of December 2021.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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