Theta Teeth

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 15, 2022 – January 22, 2022



Greetings from ThetaTeeth and SkeletonArts!

ThetaTeeth is a collection of 3232 unique pieces of art revolting around teeth.

Just like in the ancient times hunters, shamans and other various societies were collecting teeth to proudly show their affiliation to a certain group, ThetaTeeth also shares this mentality.

Collectors of such unique tokens will surely be recognized amongst others, as well as have access to various discounts, numerous airdrops and other amazing perks. In fact, all holders are subject to receiving a % from the future projects (one of which is already in its final stages before launch!).

Additionally, some of the bonuses are already in place, with those who support us from day one already enjoying it!

Join our community for NFTs discussions and showcasing and general good vibes!

Also, come get you ThetaTooth at marketplace!

Much love,
ThetaTeeth Team.


Don't miss the next NFT drops

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