The Stickman Warriors is a collection of 4,444 hand-drafted graphics which come in two major genres - human and technology.
Unlike most of the NFTs in the market, we don’t have a team to work with, we don’t have graphic designers from the background of different legendary movies or games; we don’t have top-tier engineers assisting us; we don’t have marketing professionals and famous celebrities promoting the collection; we don’t have multi-millions of dollars in funding the resources of the project.
In fact, the aspiration of the project is to let our stickman warriors fight for the peace of the actual world and provide real-life benefits. The crypto world is awaiting for us to make everything possible, even as an oridinary human.
I was drawing a lot of stickman wars when I was young. I believe everyone has their own stickman in their mind, it depicts an apsiration of ourselves and the world.The Founder.