Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible NFT's

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December 29, 2021 – January 04, 2022



Chakra The Invincible is the love letter to the Indian fans throughout the globe who were and are fans of co-creator Stan Lee, who developed the character along with Sharad Devarajan and Gotham Chopra, with art from Jeevan J. Kang whose colors and pen strokes breathed life into the acclaimed comic books.

Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible is making a debut in the eyes of superhero fans on a global scale.

Stan Lee has been a part of comic book superhero creation and development for decades and worked on projects such as Spiderman, X-men, Scarlet Witch, The Avengers, and most of the creators who have made Marvel comics the movie industry as a result of what it is today. In lieu of this genius, ‘Chakra The Invincible’ is another success story from the wonder-boy of superhero creation.

The whole phenomenon was started in the year 2011, with novels, comics, movies, and animated TV series following suit; it made enormous success all over the world with fans ushering in and supporting the new and wonderful initiative.

Stan Lee championed the character along with Graphic India to get Chakra in the mainstream media all over the world. And surprisingly so, this made it a dream project for Stan, for he had been looking to veer into the east. He made Chakra The Invincible and his powers with the rich culture and teachings of ancient India in mind.

Chakra The Invincible is the story of a young lad Raju Rai, in Mumbai, who made it work under unique circumstances to survive along with his big brother Sameer. He gets associated with a crazy genius scientist Dr. Singh. He collaborates on a super-suit that can harness the mystical powers of ‘Chakra’ that are in correlation with the energy of the universe.

Tags: #art

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