In a world where we continually seek to express the complexities of human nature, the art of abstraction has found its rightful place. The "Line Around Thoughts" collection captures the essence of abstract expression, celebrating the freedom of the human spirit and its inherent need for exploration beyond the boundaries of the tangible world. As we revel in the diversity of 20th-century art, both figurative and abstract, it is an abstraction that grants us the most profound freedom - freedom of form, thought, and interpretation.
Abstract art creates a new realm parallel to the one we know, seemingly detached from the physical world but closely following the cosmic laws that bind all existence. It offers a space where form, even in its most geometric and non-representational state, carries an inner life, a spiritual resonance. As Kandinsky noted, "The whole 'universe' can be considered as a closed cosmic composition." Art becomes not just a reflection of life, but a new, concrete world unto itself-alive with energy and purpose.