World of Balatroon

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
August 24, 2022 – August 31, 2022





Goons of Balatroon is a 2D/3D hybrid metaverse featuring Free 2 Play 2 Earn card strategy gaming and land ownership with a 9696 NFT collection sold out in August 2021 and has been going strong ever since. With their first game already in beta for all of their Goon NFT holders, they are ready to launch their second big NFT sale of Land Parcels in the World of Balatroon, with the mint being at the end of August. Land in Balatroon has been designed to bring value and utility to the Goons of Balatroon ecosystem and every land owner. Owning a Land Parcel provides perks for gameplay and gives the owner a stake in the GOB ecosystem with the possibility of providing significant rewards.

Tags: #game

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