The GUGUs are creatures formed from the magic of human creativity and emotion, and they all once played and frolicked in their own far-away dimension. However, due to a growing lack of imagination imposed by their human counterparts’ neglect on their own creativity, the GUGUs’ quality of life had plummeted. Day after day, humanity’s creativity and imagination decayed, and the GUGUs were soon seized in the jaws of a great storm. After some time and much degradation, the great storm tore open a portal and ripped the GUGUs from their only known home, forcing them to find a new one amongst humanity; both their origin and their seeming downfall. Unbeknownst to the GUGUs, however, the storm was only the beginning, and they soon came to learn that after one door is locked tightly shut, another door is readily available to be swung open.
Each individual GUGU is unique, one-of-a-kind, and shares a special connection to its human. Fate waits patiently, and once the right person comes along to set their eyes upon a GUGU, the two are joined as one. Each GUGU has a personality of their own and although some possess mischievous tendencies, the GUGUs all share one common goal: to make the human world a better place by rekindling man’s love for imagination. With each new season, more story is introduced about the GUGUs’ journey in reviving humanity’s lost love.
Some seasons will feature GUGUs that are based on personalities and brands. These will be announced as GUGU X BRAND and will be the collaborative charity aspect of the GUGU project. The proceeds from the sales of the featured items will go towards the GUGUs charity program, focused on donating to children in hospitals and youth mental health programs.
🌟 Launch GUGU collection.
🌟 Release GUGUs are with us Marketing Campaign.
🌟 Community Giveaways
🌟 Community & Development AMAs
🌟 Upscale development team.
🌟 Community early Season 2 Preview.
🌟 Season 2 Release
🌟 GUGU Digital Comic
🌟 GUGU AR Development