Goo Gang

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August 16, 2023 – August 23, 2023




Bitcoin Ordinals

Led by the enigmatic Goozy Glitch, they were masters of manipulation. Their unique goo-based abilities, honed through secret rituals, baffled authorities. Ooze Octane could slip through cracks, while Slimy Slate scaled walls unnoticed. Viscid Vortex's gelatinous armor deflected harm, and Glop Grunge could morph into any form. Together, they undertook daring heists, vanishing into the shadows with their loot. But beneath their criminal veneer lay a purpose – redistributing wealth to the needy. One night, after a spectacular theft, they left behind a note: "From the shadows, for justice." Their actions sparked whispers of hope among the downtrodden, and the Goo Gang became symbols of resistance against oppression.

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