Journey” a new series by Boris Pelcer, explores the journey of self awareness and self actualization. It dives deep into the inner workings of the human psyche as a way to understand something intangible that resides beyond the symbolic language. It is an homage to the power of Plant Medicine, which has been an integral tool in his own personal growth journey. Understanding oneself and one’s own place in this world is one of the fundamental aspects of this human experience. Life is an ongoing journey, filled with a spectrum of experiences ranging from beautiful, awe inspiring, all the way to strange, sad and even absurd. All of those experiences leave an impression on us that reveals itself in the way we see ourselves and others. But sometimes the messages we internalize, especially from negative experiences are not correct. In searching to understand himself, he gathered epiphanies that are captured in the featured pieces. They are about letting go, accepting all that we are, and all that is. It’s about self forgiveness, compassion, love towards one self and others. It’s about understanding our self worth, it’s about finding ways to align with our authentic inner self. And most of all, it’s about finding ways to connect with something bigger than ourselves, both within and without.
About the Artist Boris Pelcer (b. 1985, Sarajevo, Bosnia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a visual artist based out of Portland, OR, USA. Inspired by surrealism and psychedelia, his work is a visual journal of his internal states. He creates his work as a way to explore the intangible complexities of human emotions, thoughts, ideas and behaviors. Deep down, it is all an effort to better understand his human experience. His aim is to create work despite being personal can resonate with others on a universally human level.