Chris Chris 17.02.2022

Skoltr Tokens will Grant the Holder and a Guest Access to 3 years of Skoltrfest — Founder's Interview

We are joined by Dan Bulman, ChiefSkoltr – an agency founder and marketer with a passion and proven record of developing long-term NFT projects for clients.

Chris: The term Skoltr stands for the skull. What is the story behind the development of these 814 unique NFTs?

Dan: The human skull contains eight (8) cranial bones and fourteen (14) facial skeleton bones, which is how we landed on the idea of 814 tokens. We always wanted to keep the run limited and handmade, and not yet another 5,000 or 10,000 generative mint.

Skoltr is built to spark social connections. The NFT and crypto worlds can be all consuming. Skoltr is designed to bring token holders together both virtually and in the real world to share experiences with likeminded hustlers who have worked hard and deserve to enjoy life once in a while.

Chris: Interesting, so the Skoltraims to provide long-term value to the investors. How do you plan to do that? What are the key benefits of owning a Skoltr NFT? 

Dan: Firstly, Skoltrfest, which is a 3-year ‘unconference’ scheduled to start in 2023 in the USA. Beyond this, we have an extensive yet realistic roadmap for 2022 which will deliver consistent added value to token holders. Added value includes limited edition art airdrops, merchandise for holders (which they don’t have to pay for!), airdrops of PFP collections and multiple surprises laid out across the year which we can’t give too many specifics on – because we don’t want other projects to get the jump on us!

Chris: Furthermore, what is the Skoltrfest? You also have an unconference. How do your investors get access to these events?

Dan: Skoltr tokens will grant the holder and a guest access to 3 years of Skoltrfest, an NFT "unconference" - with the first festival being held in the USA in summer 2023, with exact details to be announced in July 2022. The unconference will lead with fun and promoting positive mental health will be a thread throughout. The Skoltr community will have a say in what makes up the festival through a voting process!

Chris: So, what will be the price of oneSkoltrNFT? How much will one have to pay for gas?

Dan: Mint is 0.814ETH. Gas fees are out of our control, but a whitelist will be able to mint 2 hours before public release – jump on the Discord to ensure the best chance of getting on the whitelist.

Chris: Additionally, when do is the release of the tokens? Do you also have a whitelist where one can sign up?

Dan: Public mint is 15th March at 8pm UTC. Whitelist pre-sale begins on 15th March at 6pm UTC. Jump on the Discord to ensure the best chance of getting on the whitelist.

Chris: You must have an extensive team that works on this unique NFT. Please introduce us to them. How does each member contribute towards the development of Skoltr NFTs?

Dan: Our team is made up of myself, the artist and six other core members across development, marketing, community management and design. We’re a committed bunch who see this is a 20+ year project of adding value to token holders and having great fun along the way!

Chris: Finally, how does your roadmap shape out from here? What else do you have in mind for Skoltr in 2022?

Dan: You can check out our roadmap below 

  • Sell out +24 hours: 15 ETH giveaway! 5 ETH to three token holders who have encouraged great social connection on Twitter.
  • Airdrop of collection of 100 pieces of art, the "Beast Mode" collection: 20th April 2022
  • Skoltr merchandise reveal: May 2022
  • Community vote for charity of choice: May 2022
  • Airdrop of first PFP collection, 814 tokens: 20th June 2022
  • Skoltr summer surprise: July 2022
  • Skoltrfest information and announcements: July 2022
  • Skoltr summer surprise 2:  August 2022
  • Skoltr merchandise ships: August 2022
  • Skoltr Halloween surprise: October 2022
  • Skoltr Autumn/Fall surprise: November 2022
  • Skoltr Christmas surprise: December 2022
  • Skoltrfest: summer 2023, USA