Chris Chris 16.08.2022

The Main Benefit Each Holder Receives is Swimwear for Life — Creator's Interview

Chris: Tell us a little bit about the Bikini Bodies NFT collection and the inspiration behind it? 

BB team: The Bikini Bodies NFT collection by Breezy Swim is a diverse collection of 10,000 unique and beautiful women from all around the world looking flawless in bikinis. The inspiration behind the collection was to empower women worldwide by having an NFT collection with full representation and inclusivity. Every body is a bikini body is Breezy Swim’s trademarked slogan and we really wanted to stand behind it with the art in the collection. In addition, Bikini Bodies is the world's first member's only swimwear shopping experience where membership can be earned on the blockchain as a Non-Fungible-Token (NFT) and owned by the token-holder to gain access to our member’s only online store which includes swimwear for life, exclusive products, and access to social events.

Chris: What are the different benefits for the holders of the NFT? 

BB team: The main benefit each holder receives is swimwear for life! The collection is made up of 3 different tiers (bronze, silver, & gold) totaling to 10,000 unique pieces of digital art. Each of the three collection tiers will offer a different swimwear for life membership. The Bronze will allow for the holder to earn a total of 4 credits per year which equates to 2 swimsuits each year. The Silver will allow for a total of 8 credits per year which equates to 4 swimsuits each year. And lastly, the Gold will allow for a total of 12 credits per year which equates to 6 swimsuits each year. Along with swimwear for life, some other utility comes in the form of discounts for partnered brands, IRL social events, and special giveaways. 

Chris: Can you go deeper and explain how credits work? 

BB team: Credits are earned on a standard accrual basis (over time)

Bronze earns 1 credit every 3 months, Silver earns 1 credit every 1.5 months, and Gold earns 1 credit every month. Credits can be redeemed for products & will roll over up to 1 year. The amount of credits one can accumulate is relative to the membership plan offered by the NFT the holder has. Credits will accrue throughout the year beginning upon the date of purchase before they reset back to 1 after 365 days (this way holders are incentivised to redeem their credits for swimwear every year).

Chris: Are the Credits also NFTs?

BB team: Yes, the credits are on the polygon network and are air dropped into your wallet. This allows the holder to either use the credit for products or trade/sell the credit on the secondary market. 

Chris: The Art in your collection is amazing. Can you tell our audience about your artist? 

BB team: Bikini Bodies art is created by an incredibly talented artist with an extensive background in digital art & animation. She has worked with companies like Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts, even collaborating on projects like World of Women. Her work focuses on advocating for diversity, body positivity, female empowerment, & fighting for female representation.

Chris: What's the price point for each tier of the NFTs?

BB team: So we wanted to make our NFTs affordable in relation to the value they provide to the holder. The bronze is priced at $500, silver is $550, and the gold is $600. There is only a $50 price difference between the tiers, it’s a great value. Also, don't forget to join our Discord and Twitter. It is the best way to stay informed on news and announcements.