Sol Master Chess club is a P2E NFT Chess Game Collection on the Solana Blockchain, holders and registered members will be able to play one of the oldest game in the world online. Players can earn by playing against the Environment, challenge other players, and also compete in organised Tournaments (both online and Offline). We aim to build an ecosystem that appeals to traditional and new generation gamers, as well as investors interested in exploring innovative game revenue models. Who says we are just about the Chess Game? We definitely vibe, our community of Masters will bring their Mastery skills to the Solana Ecosystem. This will be achieved by establishing a DAO, that will execute our common goal of investing in coveted NFT projects that will attract Huge ROI, invest in NFT start ups with unique potentials, form strategic partnerships that will benefit our NFT holders. In addition holders will have access to exclusive Alpha Channels and an All in One Solana Tools Suite.