Non-Educated Delinquents, also known as NEDs. The Hooligans of the Scottish Youth. Stereotypically uneducated, antisocial youngsters with a preference for drinking the famous Tonic Wine with a chaser of Lager, followed by causing havoc and mayhem across the streets of Scotland.
The collection will Include 7,000 Modern Original NEDs, 2,000 70s Era NEDs, and 1,000 Razor Gang era NEDs.
The launch will include 3,000 Modern NEDs with the following 4,000 being added regularly. And then the release of the 70s Era and Razor Gang Era will follow. By 100% all holders will receive a free Staffy Companion!
The whole project has been compiled and created by one individual, who created the art, programmed the code, and developed the website, etc.
Don't worry, our NEDs "won't touch your lions!"