Be early join our discord server and the first 1000 can get the OG role which is a guaranteed whitelist spot for the genesis collection and all future mints.
This is the concept roadmap v1.0 and is subject to change and open to suggestions
- Grown a following on twitter
- Build a community on Discord with like minded people that like to share alpha, knowledge and build in Web3!
- Early active members get a special role (OG/WL) for future benefits!
- Build partnerships with other communities
- Promote upcoming GiveawayNFT Genesis Membership collection
- Launch Genesis Membership Collection
Supply: TBA
WL/OG Price: TBA
Public Price: TBA
Mint Rewards: 1 huge Blue Chip giveaway 2 weeks after mint out. Each NFT counts as your ticket to the giveaway (must be delisted). You only need 1 to be a lifetime member. But the genesis NFT also counts as 1 raffle ticket so there is a benefit in owning more. Each milestone reached during mint there will be also NFT's be giving away for bigger chances to win prize during mint.
- Transparent daily, weekly, monthly giveaways to holders
- 25% of Mint revenue goes to the Team and further development
- 75% of mint revenue goes to community wallet to invest and build an NFT portfolio for weekly HOLDER only giveaway(s)
- Any creator fees will also be used to build development and community wallet
- Members can participate in choosing or do suggestions what prizes they want. But team reserves the right to act fast if this benefits value to holders for example new promising mints
- Premium alpha channels for holders only
- Exclusive WL opportunities for holders only