/ Creators / '@ohdotss


Ohdotss is the Twitter handle for Nathan, a self-taught developer who partners with NFT artists who have unique ideas but don’t know how to execute them. He admits that he dropped out of school to focus on contributing to the NFT space fully. His breakthrough came from partnering with artists he met online after working on a project with little experience and had no backend infrastructure. Part of his growth also involved buying into interesting NFT listings on OpenSea. Ohdotss is so passionate about NFTs that he made three applications to the sorcerer scholarship program, one of which was way past the advertised deadline.

His first drop was part of his scholarship application. It was under the title “ 1025 N0XSCAPE” on Opensea in the late summer of 2021. He describes it as a play-to-earn game that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Every card minted in the drop grants the owner access to awesome freebies listed on the N0XSCAPE discord server. In addition, card owners got first-place consideration in the N0XSCAPE alpha drop scheduled for later.

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'@ohdotss's past NFT Drops

  • 1025 N0XSCAPE is a play-to-earn NFT game that exists on the Ethereum blockchain.

    Each card acts as a mint pass for the N0XSCAPE alpha drop, member perks in our Discord,...

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