/ Creators / Mario Testino

Mario Testino

Mario Testino is one of the most famous and sought-after photographers in the world. His career skyrocketed when he started working for Vogue. By the way, he was a photographer for American, Italian, English and French Vogue magazines at the same time.

The list of celebrities that Testino has worked with is very long. Madonna, Kim Basinger, Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, and other A-list stars have been photographed by Mario.

By the way, such supermodels as Kate Moss, Stella Tennant, and Gisele Bundchen have been discovered by Mario Testino. Everyone who has worked with Mario says that he has a significant advantage over others. He is able to convey the inner world and style of his models not as he sees them but as the models see and feel themselves.

Mario Testino has also joined the NFT movement. His ‘FOUR ICONIC PORTRAITS’ NFT collection was staggering!

Don't miss Mario Testino's next NFT drops

Mario Testino's past NFT Drops

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