GeekHeadClub is the first Original IP NFT on Tron. Geek Head Club was born as the first fully on-chain decentralized NFT with original identities on the Tron protocol. Owning Your Geek Head NFT is proof that you are a member of our club, and you can enjoy a variety of members-only benefits thereafter. The project was created as a collaboration between an artist inspired by modern abstract art and our artificial intelligence research team, and various unique development milestones including Combination and Cross-chain Activities are planned.
GeekHeadClub is not just NFT but is a certificate of owning part of the Tron NFT marketplace. GeekMarket for Tron NFT (TRX721) is open and all trade fees are 100% distributed to GeekHead NFT holders.
GeekMarket is the first NFT marketplace that supports the top 5 Tron NFT in one place, with auto-integration functionalities. Which now listed tPunks, Bored Ape Tron Club, Bored Ape Yacht Club Tron, Tron Meebits, and more. Most Tron projects are copycats of that from the ETH network, however, GeekHead is the first OG NFT while their market supports a full trading function for all the other NFTs to make benefit to GeekHead holders.
They also proposed an extra airdrop to Super GeekHead holders, that holders can get extra NFTs proportional to their original holdings. And after the third airdrop, they will distribute yield farming fungible tokens to each NFT holder to make long-lasting market fee benefit.
So owning one GeekHead NFT is basically having a partial share of OpenSea in Tron.