Chris Chris 03.12.2021

All of the Ethereum received from sales gets Redistributed back to NFT Owners II The Creators of Cybergoats Open Up about their Breakthrough

Las Vegas and Alixsof founded Artsy Assets when they saw a large informational divide between NFT content creators and developers. So many inspired, talented and successful artists needed help getting into the NFT world but did not have the technical knowledge to do it. It all started with consultations and helping people and companies with developing, minting and marketing artwork. As several pieces and collections under the Artsy Assets umbrella got out in the world and much of the artwork sold, people naturally started asking Las Vegas and Alixsof why they did not have their own collection. Being serial entrepreneurs by day and NFT warriors by night, they could only resist for so long. The two eventually gave in, assembled an international team of artists and developers, came up with a novel concept and technology and began working.

I own several successful businesses, but they are regular and boring. NFTs are my true passion, and they are good for the soul! It is how I met smart and beautiful people and developed lifelong friendships. I do it only because I love it, and it makes me happy to constantly please, surprise and delight our audience,” said Las Vegas. For all of those wondering, yes, Las Vegas actually lives in Las Vegas, NV.

Chris: Cybergoats are the world’s first rNFTs. How does a Remunerative NFT work?

Las Vegas: We wanted to create something completely unique and new in the world of NFTs, something that nobody has ever done yet. We started with a completely blank drawing board. Most of all, we firmly believed that owning art and having fun shouldn’t be financially prohibitive. So, we came up with the remuneration concept where ALL of the Ethereum from original sales and ALL of the Ethereum from resale commissions are redistributed back to NFT owners until they eventually get back the original amount they paid for their NFT. It is essentially a time-delayed 100% rebate. Whichever wallet first minted the NFT becomes eligible for automatic partial Ethereum disbursements after every sales wave, until that wallet eventually receives back 100% of the funds spent to mint a Cybergoat. We called it “remunerative NFT” or “rNFT” for simplicity.

Chris: As a Cybergoat owner, I subscribe to quite a lot of benefits. Could you please elaborate on the most important ones?

Las Vegas: Besides a mechanism of getting 100% of your Ethereum back, our most important benefit is the strength of our team and community. We are just starting off, but we are already fortunate to have some of the brightest minds in the business on our developers and owners list. We’ve achieved record low Ethereum Mainnet ERC-721 minting gas (you have to see it to believe it – we've found a way to get it lower than most collections by as much as 80%). Minting additional pieces in the same transaction requires even less gas. We believe in doing things on Ethereum Mainnet, but we push efficiency to the limit when it comes to gas. Affordability and deploying on mainnet do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Another benefit is that your vote matters. Cybergoats operates as a DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. Every three months, there is a government election among owners. The next one is due to happen in January. The government then does its work and presents proposals for owners to vote on. Ultimately, it is the owners who decide everything, including wave size, NFT pricing, business decisions – we are not shy, and everything is put up to a vote. This is your collection, your DAO, and our job is to be a conduit.

Chris: We read that this was just the beginning of what Cybergoat NFTs will do. We are excited! What more is going to happen at Artsy Assets? Please highlight.

Las-Vegas: We are just starting off, but our plan is to moon. We are working to develop our own ERC-20 token and build an entire ecosystem around it. The vote already passed. Once it launches, you will be able to milk your goat for this token daily, and it will have much utility. We plan to use it for DAO voting, issuing mint passes for other collections, event passes and anything and everything the DAO votes to authorize. We can even infuse our tokens into other NFT collections and enable milking them. We have a weird feeling that people may start milking their apes in our dApp one of these days. What more? Umm, events, giveaways, token-mitigated access, minting golden pieces with instant Ethereum rewards, partial reveals by wave, rarity profiles, whitelists … we are going all out and not skimping anywhere. We are goats, and this collection is our baby.

Chris: There are no fees associated with the NFT. How does Artsy Assets make money from Cybergoats? How are the funds being utilized to grow the business?

Las-Vegas: We are kind of weird, and we are not greedy. We are more excited to walk around CES in our goat masks and tell apes to be careful with our lambo upholstery than to make money. Development does cost money, however. To fund operations, Artsy Assets is planning to keep and milk every 5th Cybergoat. The rest of the funds will go to funding DAO proposals, software development and to pay owners as reimbursement for the money they spent on minting. Right now, all of Artsy Assets’ funds are being spent on marketing and development. Maybe we’ll pay ourselves one day, but we’re honestly too busy to think about money right now. Too much cool stuff to build and too much mooning to do! We are goat owners too, and we want to milk them hard. WAGMI.

Chris: I want to buy a Cybergoat, how do I go about the process?

Las-Vegas: The first goats launched from Rarible and OpenSea. With pieces selling out in seconds, it was a gas carnage. Then, the owners voted to be able to mint them from our own website, which is how we see it working in the foreseeable future. From now on, it will be a somewhat familiar and pleasant process, except the gas will be much lower than what you are used to, and a whitelist on top of that will make it even better. The collection will be launched in waves. We are also pioneering partial reveals, where all goats from a wave will be revealed shortly after each wave sells out. Just come and hang out in our Discord. It is still very, very early. We are just starting to make the news. We expect the next wave to be in mid-December, which is coming up very soon. Don't miss it. 

Chris: We would love to know more about the team behind the project. What is it that you bring to the table at Artsy Assets?

Las-Vegas: We don’t have a table, we have a small army. We truly have no idea how it happened, but it did, and we are grateful for it. Somehow, we attracted lawyers, developers, platform owners, business owners, marketing professionals, influencers….. everyone is down for Cybergoats, and our owners are very intelligent and successful people! We love them, and we work our butts off to deliver the best NFT experiences the world has ever seen.

Chris: Finally, how do I keep myself updated on the happenings at Artsy Assets?

Las-Vegas: We will be doing official press releases before every wave, so you will be able to read about us in blogs and publications. We also have some podcasts and interviews scheduled. Also, everything will be posted on and on our social media @artsyassets. Finally, our most important and valued traffic source is NFT Calendar – it is the best resource in the NFT world right now as far as drops go. We will be sure to list every single wave on their platform. Make sure you subscribe to the NFT Calendar newsletter, so you don’t miss our next drop.