Chris Chris 07.02.2022

Our Members get Access to Giveaways, Airdrops, and Early Access to Future Collections — Founder's Interview

Chris: Crypto Monsters. What is the mission and vision for this project?

Crypto Monsters team: Our goal is to make Crypt-O-Monsters known in the NFT world, a collection created with great love and effort. We hope that all those who appreciate our work, and have a liking for the theme,  will be joining our community.

Our vision is to see our project growing by the hand of our community, growing with more projects and to get more and more involved in the NFT world.

Chris: Who are the creators and founders? How did you get together, and what are your roles in the project?

Crypto Monsters team: Some teams call themselves a family, but we actually are one! two sisters and their respective husbands, all of us designers with a passion for the horror culture, art, monsters, literature, mysteries, thrillers and so.

Diego Leal  Art director and illustrator

Alvaro Leiva Designer and developer

Andrea Rincón Designer and community support

Carolina Rincón Designer and Community support

Chris: Is there a whitelist for the drop on February 12? How many NFTs will be sold, and how much does each cost? What’s the minting process?

Crypto Monsters team: It’s a collection of 6666 nfts and the mint price is 50 MATIC, we developed a minting Dapp for the minting process, which will be published on February 12 when the presale starts.

We are currently carrying out activities on our twitter to create the white list. The presale with the first 200 whitelisted wallets will take place on February 12 and the regular sale will be open to everyone on February 14.

Chris: Why did you go with Polygon blockchain?

Crypto Monsters team: We chose polygon because we see it as a more accessible marketplace for our community, we believe that polygon is a good solution to the problems of ethereum and it seems to us that is not yet developed to its full potential for the NFT market, we know it is risky to take a collection out of ethereum (or solana) but we think it is the way to go for Crypt-O-Monsters.

Chris: Community giveaways. Where should we follow you to be eligible?

Crypto Monsters team: We invite you to join our crypt on our twitter (for the moment our only channel). There we'll be announcing all the activities to win some Crypt-O-Monsters.

Chris: Can you give us more details about some of the gifts that will be on offer after minting?

Crypto Monsters team: We’ll have some NFT giveaways and with 80% of the collection sold there will be some airdrops too.

Chris: Tell us the plan with the Monster universe. What is the timeline on this?

Crypto Monsters team: We will develop a whole story and new Crypt-O Monster will join the gang!

Our goal is to develop the lore and create a lasting brand, we see this release as just the beginning, if we get enough support from the community, we will start working on airdrops to expand the lore. When 100% of this collection has been sold, we will start working on the next series, because not all the Monster were able to leave the crypt.

Chris: What other utilities will be offered to community members?

Crypto Monsters team: We want our community to have a word in the decisions for the brand, there will be some giveaways and we also plan future airdrops for members as well as discounts on merchandise and early access to future collections.