HodlBaba NFT Pre-sale

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
February 01, 2022 – February 08, 2022





The HodlBaba is an exclusive collection of 10,000 wealthy hodlers with 160+ traits including Metaverse vision because all of these baba's will make their Hodl Land Metaverse play-to-earn game.

The HodlBaba has a philanthropic mission to solve the global warming issue by planting 100K trees also, HodlBaba will launch its own token and staking in phase 1.

Every mint of HodlBaba NFT will donate funds for the X number of trees which shows on the left bottom of NFT so that the hodlers can save the environment and live in a clean and green place (Earth).

Our Team believes in making change, Be a part of HodlBaba to make positive change and for better returns of your investment.

Phase 1 Roadmap:

1. Minting of HodlBaba

2. Lucky minters who will get 1/1s will receive 1 ETH each as a gifts

3. Distribution of 15ETH giveaway and prices to our community members

4. $HBS (HodlBaba Seed Token) will be released

5. $100K will be added to $HBS liquidity Pool

6. Staking of HodlBaba (10 $HBS per day)

7. 100K Tree Plantation

8. Collab with influencers to take HodlBaba to Next Level

9. Hodl Land Metaverse play-to-earn game trailer will be released

10. Hodl Land Metaverse play-to-earn game development will start

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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