Gentian flower in November

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May 05, 2023 – May 12, 2023







My country, Japan, belongs to the temperate zone and has four distinct seasons throughout the year.Since ancient times, we Japanese have valued the culture of enjoying the subtle changes of the four seasons.From lowlands to alpine zones, there are many kinds of wildflowers that bloom vigorously and vigorously throughout the four seasons. This Beloved wildflowers in Japan collection is based on Japanese wildflowers. I would be happy if people around the world could learn about Japan's four seasons and the beauty and splendor of nature through my work.
The theme this time is Gentian flower in November.

Rindo has long been popular among Japanese people as a wildflower that represents autumn.
It is very familiar to the Japanese because it can be seen in the fields and mountains close to human settlements and in the bright grasslands of the mountains.
Its roots are also used for medicinal purposes and are prized in medicine.
From late October to early November, when rindo begins to bloom, it is the season of autumn leaves in Japan, and the season of wildflwer, which blooms in the fields and mountains, is also coming to an end.
Even after the other flowers have withered, Rindo blooms brilliantly, and its beauty is like the radiance of autumn sapphires.
Rindo's beauty captivated me in the same way that it fascinated the nobles of the Heian period.

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