
Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 05, 2023 – January 12, 2023



Dogeum NFTs is a collection of 5000 Doges which each doge is a real character in game play of DOGEUM game. You can play with these dogeums in meta-verse mode, play NFT CARD/BET games, play in ACTION/ADVANCE mode, earn $DOGEUM token by staking each nft and also ability of joining metaverse, buying lands and items for your doge in our metaverse mode. each dogeum player should have a NFT character to be able play on game and there is a LIMITed capacity in the game for just 5000 players!


1- Instantly $5 cashback ($DogeumTOKEN) for each minted NFT! 2- Earn $Dogeum by staking nft ! 3- Early access to metaverse and action/advance mode of dogeum game ! 4- Each player of dogeum should have a nft character to play on game and buy a land to upgrade his land or items ! 5- The game have just capacity for 5000 players in metaverse mode and public players can not buy lands ! 6- Exlusive share of DOGEUM tokens in game for each holder of nft ! Learn more about ECO SYSTEM of DOGEUM: The dogeum game is a metaverse/play2earn/action game which each NFT is a real character in-game, each player need to buy NFT to own a land & each public member with out nft have to pay land owners to visit their lands and earn profit by adding workers/members in their land. The main token of game is DOGEUM TOKEN and each buyer/seller would pay and receive payment buy DOGEUM TOKEN so this is how the DOGEUM TOKEN gets value and both parties get benefit from it.


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