An Iconic photo of Sir Albert Einstein

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July 05, 2023 – July 12, 2023







"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." - Albert Einstein

It took three years to make this concept for Sir Albert Einstein.

Why it is an Iconic? The world famus art “Monalisa” has two differnt looks called as Illusion. This master piece has no illusions but 1000+ of Instruction.

Such as example - The concept is - ‘‘A genious person has no best friend except himself.''

Photo: Digital Art. Creator: SMOnks (Teenager) Effect: Black-White. Time: More than three years.

When I feel frustrated then I see this art and I feel good magically. Try it on yourself.

Tags: #art

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